If you like Bright Eyes, The Flaming Lips, Elliott Smith and Wilco then you should really give Finnish Indie Pop band koriakittenriot a listen. Their debut LP Rich Men Poor Men Good Men is a delight to listen to and will leave you feeling a bit happier.
With songs like ‘The Earth Will Spin Around’ they preach a message of hope. The album has a lighthearted tone throughout, but the songs are also laced with lyrics that tackle darker themes.
The Earth Will Spin Around
A video featuring popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson answers one of the most enduring questions about the planet: What would happen if it stopped spinning? The answer is a lot more bad than good, as it could cause earthquakes, tsunamis, and, eventually, people to fly out of windows.
According to this resurfaced video, if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning, the Earth would roll 800 miles an hour due east, and things would move at a speed that is “unsustainable.” In other words, everything would be sent flying across the world.
As for why the Earth spins, it has to do with its internal motion and the rotational force of the Sun. As the video explains, when the sun is in its solar phase and the Earth is in its lunar phase, the two planets move together in an unsustainable spiral that is characterized by strong wind, a slowing of the Earth’s rotation, and the formation of large craters and oceans.
It’s a very interesting concept, and it’s one that many scientists believe to be true. However, there are a few caveats to this idea.
Firstly, it’s unlikely that the Earth will stop spinning. Second, the planet’s gravity has to stop, and that’s a pretty complicated thing to do. And third, it would need to be a very big deal, and the energy required to sustain it wouldn’t come from any source within the planet itself.
Helsinki-based indie rock band koriakittenriot have released their third album, Songs of Hope and Science, which features the hook-laden single ‘The Earth Will Spin Around’ as the lead track. The album, which is influenced by Elliott Smith, Neutral Milk Hotel and Wilco, thematically intertwines hope and science. The album’s tracks are a mix of lighthearted indie rock and melancholy Americana.
The Laughing Man
Hailing from Helsinki, Finland indie pop quintet Koria Kitten Riot are set to release their third album ‘Rich Men Poor Men Good Men’. This record is the result of a change of direction from their singer-songwriter Antti Reikko, who had been told to “work f*****g hard, be honest and make ballsy decisions”, leading to a more honest and developed recording than ever before.
The Laughing Man is a story of the exploits of a mercenary by the name of Kongo Muller who is known for smiling, smoking and drinking. Throughout the film we learn his life story and how he came to be one of the best mercenaries in history.
As the mercenary grows older, his drinking and smoking increases, and his relationship with his wife, Mary Hudson, also becomes strained. In the midst of this, he is kidnapped by his arch-rival, but the police are unable to catch him. The Laughing Man subsequently returns to tear away the lies and deceit that have clouded the investigation.
Aside from being a very interesting story, The Laughing Man is a really great example of how honest storytelling can be. The movie is a bit rough around the edges and the characters are not very well developed, but it shows that honesty can cut deeper than any blade.
‘Songs of Hope and Science’ is another gem from the Finnish band, and a reminder that no matter how dark things can seem, there is always something to be positive about. The lyrics here are gently uplifting, and their songwriting style is always quite whimsical.
If you’re a fan of bands such as Annuals, Decemberists, Grandaddy or the Shins then you’ll love koriakittenriot. Their melodic songwriting and thoughtful lyrics will make you feel better about the world, and this uplifting vibe is certainly reflected on their latest album ‘Songs of Hope and Science’.
Hold On Tight
Hold on Tight, the Polish original series based on Harlan Coben’s novel of the same name, is a crime thriller with tense plotting and suspenseful reveals. Its protagonist, prosecutor Pawel Kopinski (played as an adult by Damiecki), returns to his hometown of Warsaw in 2022 after years away to investigate the disappearance of his son Adam.
The story takes place in two different time periods, revealing a family secret and exposing the dark side of human nature. The series was released in April 2022, making it the sixth of Coben’s novels to be adapted for Netflix.
Finnish indie rock band Koria Kitten Riot re-emerge with their new album ‘Songs of Hope and Science’, set for release on 27th January via VILD Recordings. Featuring a hook-laden single
Throughout the album, they utilise their trademark gentle melodic songwriting to remind us that life does indeed have a bright side. It does not come without its flaws, but there is always something to look forward to, whether it’s a dream or the next step in life.
This is a fantastic track that encourages vulnerability and perseverance. Blacc’s choir-backed vocals swell and sparkle with every stride, encouraging you to grip tightly to the things and people that will help you through this world. Hopefully, we can all learn to hold on to the things that bring us hope and make the journey a little easier.
Hanging On A Dream
The mid-’00s was a good time for indie-pop, with bands like Annuals, Decemberists and Grandaddy purveying that very particular type of giddy, instrument-stuffed pop music that wasn’t being well represented on the radio. Koria Kitten Riot, a Finnish indie-folk quintet, is a perfect example of that.
Their third record, Rich Men Poor Men Good Men, takes a lot of inspiration from the experience of singer Antti Reikko. It’s their first album to feature a full band, and it’s a pretty fantastic effort.
It’s a happy record, and it’s a great listen for anyone who loves cheerful, instrument-stuffed indie-pop. It has a touch of folk tones, but it also has a lot of melodic charm, and it’s not afraid to be a little bit zany.
You can even hear a bit of late-’00s Bright Eyes in some of these songs, though they have their own very distinctive sound on the whole. It’s a very sweet and pleasant album, and you can listen to it for as long as you want without getting tired of it.
Hanging on a rope in a dream symbolizes the desire to be free from a situation or person that is oppressing you. You are feeling suffocated and want to get out of the situation, but you are not sure how to do it. The gallows in the dream may be a symbol of that oppressiveness, or it might be a way to represent something else that you need to release. It could be a part of yourself that is choking off your ability to express yourself in a meaningful way, or it could be the idea of letting go of an old habit or belief that is holding you back.