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Hailing from Helsinki, Finland, indie pop quintet Koria Kitten Riot is set to release their third album ‘Rich Men Poor Men Good Men’.

The band are the creation of singer-songwriter Antti Reikko, who has sited Elliott Smith, Wilco and early Weezer amongst his influences. Recorded in Berlin, the album is a beautiful blend of well-crafted pop songs and grandiose arrangements.

‘Rich Men Poor Men Good Men’ is an album that exudes charm and is full of detail and ambition, making this a band you can listen to with the utmost pleasure. The lyrics and melody are enchanting, with songs that are reminiscent of Bright Eyes in their approach to songwriting.

This is a band you can really get into, and I’m happy to have been introduced to them recently. They’re an uplifting band and I believe they’re destined to become one of my favourites, so check out their latest album – it’s worth listening to.

I hope you enjoy the track and don’t forget to check out their Facebook page and their website for news, music, videos, events, playlists etc!

The latest album from KKR, ‘Songs of Hope and Science’ is a very positive record. It highlights the frailties of humanity and the fragility of life, but it does so in a very optimistic way.

Reikko’s music is not for everyone and I can understand why some may shy away, but I think if you’re looking for a nice blend of guitar pop and indie rock you should give it a go. The guitar playing in this band is very strong and it’s not just the lead vocalist, Antti Reikko that does it.

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