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koriakittenriot are an interesting and very appealing indie pop band from Finland, fronted by Antti Reikko. He’s an accomplished musician and singer/songwriter, with influences including Elliott Smith, The Flaming Lips, Wilco and early Weezer, amongst others.

They have a good mix of indie pop and Americana, with an abundance of harmonies, guitar hooks and grandiose instrumentation. The songs are reminiscent of the likes of Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens and Neil Young.

Their latest release, ‘Rich Men Poor Men Good Men’ is an album rooted in personal experience and demonstrates that a talented singer-songwriter can work hard to develop their music and create something honest. It’s the first time they’ve used a full band, and it shows.

There’s a lot of cheerful indie-pop on Rich Men Poor Men Good Men, with tunes that are the perfect complement to a sunny day. The songs range from giddy tunes, with coconuts imitating horse clip-clops in the background (“The Lovers That You’ve Never Had”), to slow and sensitive indie-folk pieces that echo the songwriting style of Death Cab for Cutie.

It’s the type of indie-pop that doesn’t get a whole lot of airplay on mainstream radio, but it has a certain charm and makes you smile when you listen to it. It’s also an album that can make you feel better about yourself, if that’s what you need in the middle of a hard week.

The album opens with ‘The Earth Will Spin Around’, a playful, anthemic track with a catchy melody and harmonies. It splices together piano, three-part vocals and mellotron to produce a lighthearted anthem that will keep you smiling as you sing along. ‘Songs of Hope and Science’ will be released on 27th January via VILD Recordings.

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